Publication & Subscription Policy

NUML International Journal of Business and Management (NIJBM) is published bi-annually both in soft and hard copy. The hard copies of each issue of the journal are distributed to universities, business professionals, practitioners, academicians, libraries, financial institutions, and government organizations within Pakistan and some partner institutions internationally.  It is an Open Access Journal, and all published articles are available online on the journal’s website. The journal is devoted to the promotion and dissemination of quality knowledge in the field of business and management.

Declaration Form: The authors are required to fill out the declaration form. It is required for the submission of a manuscript and states the work submitted has neither been published before nor under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Publication Fee:  In view of the NUML Research Journals policy (2020) authors are required to pay a partial amount at the time of submission and the remaining amount for the foreign review and publication process. However, there is a fee waiver for guest authors (scholars of international repute) for submitting a research article. The bank account details and payment procedure are as under:

Steps/Stages of Charging Fee


Initial Submission Fee (Non-Refundable)


Foreign/External Review


Publication Fee

Rs. 9,500




NOTE: No payment shall be accepted for NIJBM except for the Account Details provided below:

  1. NUML International Journal of Business and Management (NIJBM)

Askari Bank Account No.  00550380006693

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  1. Make payments through Pay orders/ Bank Draft in the name of Editor, NUML International Journal of Business and Management (NIJBM) and upload the receipt and send the drafts on this email or this Postal Address:


           NUML International Journal of Business & Management

           Faculty of Management Sciences


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Individual Subscription                     Rs. 2000/-

Institution Subscription                    Rs. 4000/-               US$ 30/- (Excluding Postal Charges)